Tuesday, November 4, 2014

C4T Teacher #3

I was given Tyler Rice's blog to comment on over these past couple of weeks, and his blog has not been updated recently. However, I did get a chance to read some of his previous postings and they were very interesting. The first blog post was titled "The curse of the standardized test". In his post he says that he has had to change his teaching methods to adapt to the new standard of testing. Something I found very interesting that he said was: "I have become a standards-driven, assessment focused teacher and it sucks. Sure I still avoid textbooks and worksheets like the plague. Yes, I still strive to bring hands-on, engaging, real-world learning to my students". So although the new methods of teaching has been introduced, he is still teaching the way he enjoys teaching and how he feels is effective. I think I can gain a lot from reading a blog like this because I can see the way things like "standardized tests" are actually affecting current teachers.

The second post that I commented on was about making time for one-on-one conversations. He listed the rewards for having these conversations and I found myself agreeing with him on all of these.

I learn more about each student as a person
I learn more about each student as a learner
I correct important misconceptions
I give valuable feedback to students about their learning
I receive valuable feedback from students about my teaching
I improve my relationships with the people whom I am privileged to teach
My reasons for loving teaching are reaffirmed

In my future classroom I hope to have strong relationships with each of my students, and I plan to do this by setting aside time for these important one-on-one conversations. I plan to teach a younger grade level. At that age teachers can be one of the most influential role models in their life's, and hopefully these important conversations can help my students grow even outside of the classroom.

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