Thursday, September 4, 2014

Blog Post #3

Peer Editing
When peer Editing another classmates hard work it can be a tricky task. You never want to offend, or even be wrong about the editing work you are providing that peer. After viewing the material I learned a few things about how to effectively edit another classmates work. First, you must give a compliment about the work before critiquing it. Second, you can give suggestions about how to make the content stronger. Third, you can make corrections. All of these three tasks must be done in this order because you never want to offend someone else when editing something that they have worked hard on.

Something that I have always struggled with when peer reviewing is that I don't want to offend or make a wrong correction. I am a sensitive person and so I expect for other people to be that same way. I belive in treating others the way you would want to be treated, so that is something I keep in mind while editing. My second struggle is that I don't want to make a wrong correction. I will occasionally go back and brush up on my grammar rules before editing. Grammar is a huge part of editing, and the only critique I would have after watching this material is that I feel like that should have been addressed better.

I want you!


  1. " I will occasionally go back and brush up on my grammar rules before editing." Good for you. I do the same. I have four books on grammar at my side when I read and critique blogs! And I use them often!

  2. I feel the same way about editing! I do not like correcting people, werent we always told not to as children? I like how you said you like to brush up on your grammar before you correct someone. That is a good way of checking all your bases. Great post!
