Saturday, August 23, 2014

Blog Assignment #1

What have I heard about EDM310? I have heard many different things about EDM310. Some things have been better than others, but they always end up saying the class was very helpful. I have heard it will take a little more effort than most classes to get adjusted to the way things are to be done, but once you have done that then the rest will become easier.

What fears do I have about this class? My biggest fear in this class is not spreading the 9 hours of work out enough throughout the week. I have been known to procrastinate, but that is not something that will get me very far in this class.

Compare and contrast this class to others I have previously taken. Compared to other classes the work load for this one in particular is more, however the amount of time spent actually meeting in the classroom itself is less. This class is much more team based and technologically based than any other class I have taken at the University. I think I will find this class to be an experience, and hopefully a good one!

What do I think will be the most difficult thing for me in this class? I think the most difficult thing for me is going to be using my time wisely to complete the projects. I am usually not the person that is ever late. I always get the projects done, however my problem usually is in how well I manage my time. I do not want to cram all of the assignments for the week in at the last minute. I want to take my time and perform well with these projects!

What questions do I have about this course? My questions for this course are little to none so far. If I come across one I will ask and find the answer!

Source: Classroom Technology

1 comment:

  1. Courtney,
    I have heard the same things you have about this class, taking more time than most classes but it will all be very helpful. I have also heard that by the middle of the semester that the projects will be fun to do, so I am excited to get started with them. Also, I am bad about putting my work off until the last minute as well, hence why I am writing to you a day before it is due. But Dr. Strange has said that we can work ahead of the check list and I think that is what I am going to try and do so that I won't be behind. So that might be something you try and do as well. I agree with you that this class will be an experience and like you said I to am hoping that it will be a good experience for me as well. After talking with other people I think this class can be a good experience if we do our work in a timely manner and go to the lab for help when we need it.
