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This month for my C4K I was assigned to 4 different students blogs from all over the world. These students names were Heaven, Sarah, Sami, and Amber. Each of these students had very different blogs. Heaven shared a blog that answered the question: "If you could change something, what would it be?". She replied by saying she would not change anything but her hair because she likes for it to be long. Sarah was expressing about how she felt that students who are behaving badly should be punished by losing their recess privledges. She stated that students enjoy recess and in order to learn from their bad behavior that they should be punished by having something they enjoy taken away from them. Sami wrote a very imaginative story. The story was about a little boy who went downstairs in the middle of the night because he was hungry. He smelled something awesome, but it turned out to be a brussel sprout. The imagination and creativity he involved in this post really shined through. Finally Amber, she was posting about how they learned how to use a compass in her class. She showed images of a map they were learning to read with the coordinates in the picture. All of these blogs had different topics, but it was interesting to see their creativity, imagination, and intelligence being applied in posting these. I replied with encouraging words to let them know I enjoyed reading their blog posts. I think it is important to give positive reinforcement to students posting on blogs. Posting blogs can be a scary thing for some students due to fear of rejection to their posts. Everyone likes to hear nice things about the work that they have put forth, and I hope to comment positively to help with that.
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